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Monday, April 23, 2012

Mount Your Fishfinder Right To Your Fishing Rod - Humminbird SmartCast RF 20

Okay, to make the Humminbird line even better, now you can mount your fishfinder right to your fishing rod. Really, does it get much simpler than that? It's perfect for you if you can't attach a fishfinder to your kayak or fishing tube, or you are fishing from the bank. We don't think you'll find an easier way to cast your line and see where it lands than by using the RF 20. It allows you to use your hands while you watch what's happening below the surface. This could be one of the best features you can have on your fishing rod. Let's take a look at the features that it offers you.

The RF 20 uses Remote Sonar Sensor (RSS) technology. This is one of the most effective means of knowing what is under the water as well as know what's out ahead of you. This is helpful because it allows you to know just where you need to go to get your fish. Should you cast straight ahead or should you go slightly to the east? You can cast upto 100 feet from your boat or the bank, and it will read upto 100 feet in depth. Then reel it back in. Or attach your bait to the RSS and get a real-time view of what's happening to your cast. This is superb for getting a good look at what's below and what's far out.

You get One-Touch menu navigation to your tools such as FishID+, depth range, fish alarm, and sensitivity. This provides you with simplicity in that you can easily move through your needs while keeping one hand on your line. As for the sonar, you get ultra wide sonar coverage that is equal to twice the water's depth. This is important as you need powerful sonar to see what's below you. This gives you the ability to know where to cast and what to use as bait.

As for the display, we think you will be impressed by the RF 20. It has a high visibility 1 ¼ inch diagonal display with 48V by 32H resolution. The RF 20 has 100 feet in remote operation range and 100 feet in depth capability. This translates into some nice range that will allow you a good idea of what's lurking out there. You get a clear, easy to read digital depth display as well. It includes one waterproof A channel RSS. Get this out there and it will transmit back to you what you need to know! We think that this RF 20 is an excellent option for the fish finder!

Blogging to the Bank

Are you looking for a way to make money online without spending any money to get started?
I have just recently come across an ebook called Blogging to the Bank. This book is filled with step by step instructions and screenshots to make sure you have no trouble at all in setting up your blogs. Blogging to the Bank is written by Rob Benwell and even includes several videos showing you how to get your blog indexed by the search engines.

Why should you use blogs to make money online?
If you wanted to create 10 or 20 websites to make you money, you would need to register domain names, pay for webhosting, and know how to setup a website. But with blogs, your account is free and you can create lots of different blogs on any topic you wish for free! You do not need to know any web programming or even how to build a website to setup your blogs.
You can review a product and place an affiliate link to the site and earn you money. Another good reason is that you can include google adsense in your blog to create even more revenue.
I purchased Blogging to the Bank and have setup a few blogs already which are making me good money. One of the blogs I created is Guitar Lesson. Check it out at http://guitar--lesson.blogspot.com .This is a blog I created thanks to the information I learned in the Blogging to the Bank ebook.

Lets look into this a little further. If you open a new window and go to MSN and search for guitar lesson you will see there are over 2.5 million pages in the results. Now if you look at the first couple of pages of results, you will see my http://guitar--lesson.blogspot.com is ranked number 11 at this time, and I am just getting started. I was very excited to see my recently created blog dominate over 2.5 million other pages! Most web browsers do not look past the first couple of pages so this is where you want to be. I was able to get my blog ranked this well thanks again to the information in the Blogging to the Bank ebook.

Start building your money making blog empire now and you will see just how easy and profitable this is.


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