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Monday, April 23, 2012

Keep on Track with a Vision Statement

What is a Vision Statement? It isn't the vision or dream you have every once in awhile about the car or house or lifestyle you want to have. It is not part of your "wish" list that says some day I would like to have, "_____".

Why do I need a Vision Statement? I am getting along just fine with the way things are, I am paying my bills and working my way up in the JOB I have why do I want to rock the boat.

Psychologically you live in the present, you look at what you have, what you do and who you are in the "present" not in the future. You get up each morning and see where you live, what you drive, where you work and what you do each day and every week as it is right now.

To take advantage of your Dreams to Achieve Your True Worth you need to start seeing your life as it will be as you start living in your True Worth, your new lifestyle. But how do you do this since you only see your life in it's present tense? How do you use the power of your mind and start moving into the "YOU" you deserve to be?

Gary has always felt that everyone "Deserves To Have It All" and his desire is to assist others in Achieving Their True Worth and having it all. http://sandgmarketing.com

Wah Lah, enter the Vision Statement. This statement is a statement of your new lifestyle, the things you deserve, such as the house, the car, the ability to assist others, the trips, the vacations, etc. Everything in this statement is in the present tense as if you already have them and are living them. Here is where your Dreams become present tense and active because you are living it TODAY and it is awesome.

"The surround sound system fills the interior of my _______ (type of vehicle) as I am driving back from the airport. My trip to ___________ was just as I had imagined it would be. And after spending that time on an airplane the smell of new leather in my _____________ is so refreshing. Just ahead I see my two story home that some of my friends call my mansion in the middle of nowhere. It is surrounded by trees and the lush lawn just begs to be walked on with your bare feet…"

Embellish as much as possible with all the details of your new life. Describe in minute detail the exterior and landscaping of your home, all the rooms and what is in each room. Your daily routine as it will be and the things you plan to do next, (i.e. Trips, Vacations, visiting, learning, etc.) just everything you have ever dreamed of doing. Running your business out of your office or from your office building (if you want to keep your business and personal life separate). Your investments, your rental properties, the properties you are flipping, etc.

The greater the detail the better easier it is for it to become part of you. The more you read it the more your posture and self assurance will improve. As these improve your attitude will improve because you are becoming your Vision, you are the person that has and does all of these things because in your subconscious you are creating the You that You have always Deserved to be. Your self confidence will increase and come to the top and you will feel so much better about yourself and your ability to improve your lifestyle.

Reading your Vision Statement every day is one way to begin this life enhancing experience but one that works even better is to record your Vision Statement as you read it and copy it to a CD or tape so that you can listen to it at least once a day. Studies have shown that there are two voices that have the most profound influence upon someone's life your mothers voice or your voice.

Day after day of hearing your vision your subconscious will start believing and as it starts believing so do you and that starts and keeps things moving in your life towards your new direction. This replaces the negative self talk you might be doing at the present time. Any time something negative comes up in your mind (self talk) your daily listening to or reading of your Vision Statement should eventually replace this with a positive self talk.

Might sound like gibberish to some, but it has had outstanding results for those that have committed and followed through with Visions, their goals, their action plans, etc. When do you feel it is time to write your vision statement and start hearing your new life every day? No time life the present or else you are going to end up with the same life you have now doing the same things you have been doing.

What do you "Deserve" to have? What lifestyle do you "Deserve" to live? Truthfully, "No One Deserves It More Than YOU!" because "YOU Deserve To Have It All!"

Carving Out A Home Writing Retreat

The phone rings. The laundry pleads to be stuffed, cycled, dried and folded. Chaos reigns in the kitchen, e-mails queue for attention. Our lives are at once mundane and undeniably seductive at the same time. When we sit down to write at home, suddenly everything that marks our existence as tedious becomes compelling. Writing at home can seem tantamount to training for the Olympics past age nineteen.

Yet carving out time to write at home is possible. You can even design a home writing retreat. This weekend, I have staved off all other obligations and have Friday and Saturday free. I look forward to delving into my novel revision with hours of uninterrupted time. How to make sure I don't veer into work mode. I've developed a strategy for an at home writing retreat. Here are the ways that you, too, can carve out space for uninterrupted writing bliss.

Look ahead a month or two in your calendar. Find a day or two that are free and X them out for your retreat. When people suggest a get together on those days, say no. They're full with something more important. It is vital to guard these days.

The week before, act as if you are going out of town. Take care of all the work and home obligations that need your attention. Think about what needs to be taken care of when you are flying the coop – pet and plant care, clothes for the trip, etc. Make sure your work is done by the day before so you can take the time guilt-free.

Devise a plan. Consider your ideal writing retreat. First, think about what you are retreating from. Make a list of the roles you play in life: mother, spouse, employee, and writer. Give yourself permission to take time off from those roles to focus on one role. This weekend, I will set aside business owner, writer and teacher to be novelist for two days.

Have a focus for your time. You may wish to work on one creative project or several, but know beforehand what this time is devoted to. This will help when you enter the writing zone to get down to work right away.

Enroll allies. Alerting your people to your plans will make it easier to keep your boundaries. If your retreat means simply that you are stowed away in your bedroom or office while the rest of the family goes about their day, make sure they know that your do not disturb sign means just that. Better yet, help plan an outing for them so they can have their own adventure while you write. Who do you need to let in on your plan so they don't inadvertently try to thwart your efforts?

Get your vittles lined up. Plan for your nibbling needs. Make sure to have healthy snacks on hand. Prepare meals in advance or plan to order out so you can eat well but not get distracted by food preparation.

Be more than a walking head. Have a plan for being embodied. You may plan walks into your retreat, simple yoga or your regular workout.

Commit to tune out. You may want to unplug the phone, commit to leave your e-mail program off for the day and silence your cell phone. What other things do you need to set aside to be on retreat?

Give yourself a break with evening recreation. You'll want a break by evening. What activities will nurture your writer? You could rent a film about a writer or artist to inspire you. You could have a juicy book waiting to read.

Consider other activities that support your writing. If you went to a retreat center devoted to writers, what would you want to see? Inspiring books about the writing life or writing craft, favorite quotes, photos of writers who are role models may all be part of your writing retreat. Background music that encourages your creativity might help.

Being on retreat doesn't mean being holed up at home. If working in a cafe or at the library supports your writing, plan for excursions out of the house. . Watch out for the errand monkey, who will try to yank you around town on a bunch of his missions!

Give yourself permission to step out of your norm. Take this time to focus and be in full creative mode. A retreat of even a few hours can be a huge boon to progress on your writing. Have fun and make it work for you.


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