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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Digital Camcorder

A camcorder is no longer just a camcorder. In fact, most models are now known as digital camcorders and are capable of not only capturing audio and video, but still images as well. A digital camcorder is popular, in part, because of it's versatility in being able to capture audio and video while doubling as a digital camera. Conceivably, owners could use these products to capture family moments on film and use the digital camera aspect to photograph products for placement on eBay. While this is merely an example, the versatility of a digital camcorder is undeniable.

A digital camcorder delivers improved audio and video quality as opposed to older models, which recorded video in analog form. This earlier form of video storage, while effective, proved to lose quality with age and begin to show a grainy texture. These deteriorating effects do not occur with a digital camcorder because, with these devices, it is literally an 'all or nothing' effect. Either the entire data, or none of it, is readable.

The earlier camcorder featured a VHS-compatible videotape whereas the digital camcorder often is accompanied by a connector, which is used to transfer the data to a computer or television. If the data is placed on a computer, it can be edited, converted and/or copied with the proper software. Many amateur filmmakers, in fact, use their computers and a ditigal camcorder to create their latest film.

A digital camcorder can be used in a number of ways, including home or business use. Home videos may include a wedding, graduation, family vacation, birthday, anniversary, family reunion or capturing special childhood moments. Members of the media may use a digital camcorder to record an unfolding news story or to conduct interviews. As mentioned previously, a digital camcorder may also be used in the production of an amateur film. Because of their many features, these are ideal for low-budget films.

When it comes to options and price, the digital camcorder offers a broad range of both. A basic unit will be less expensive and may provide the perfect way to capture all of those special home memories. A more complex unit, which provides upgraded features, may cost anywhere from $600.00 and up. When shopping for a digital camcorder, consumers are urged to consider several factors, including the warranty, preferred options and features. It is best to select a unit that will be well suited for it's intended use for at least several years. If additional accessories are needed, including batteries, carrying cases or tripods, these can either be purchased with the unit or directly from the manufacturer at a later date.

Digital Camera Vs. Film - Pros And Cons

Consumers have been pretty receptive to the lower priced "point and shoot" models (some 5 million digital cameras were sold in the U.S. during the Christmas 2005 holiday season), but there are still some holdouts.

Great strides have been made in digital technology over the past few years, but more sophisticated digital cameras have only recently come down in price enough to attract the "serious amateur" market. In the past, the price of high-end digital camera equipment was more suited to the professional who could turn that investment into an income source.

Even traditional film buffs are slowly coming around to the benefits of digital photography. Among the holdouts, the chief problem seems to be confusion. There are so many choices, with a broad range of options, and just as many price ranges.

It's cheaper not to make a decision, than to make a mistake.

They get lost in the terminology, and have reservations about the quality of digital photos and about the reliability of the digital cameras. With the whirlwind of innovation flooding our lives everyday, it's become really difficult to keep up.

Technology advances, prices come down, and a deal today may be obsolete tomorrow. At least that's what worries many potential digital camera owners.

So let's look at five of the most common questions about digital camera photography to shed some light on the matter, for those who are hesitant about this new technology, or who have dismissed it as a mere fad.

1. Do digital cameras produce quality photos?
Digital photos can be displayed at very high resolutions, and could easily surpass conventional photographs, but many have seen poorer quality images. Early color printers could be used to print color photos from digital cameras, but the quality just wasn't there. Blurry images on low-grade computer monitors or on the small LCD screens of the cameras themselves, do nothing to increase your confidence.

But view the high resolution images available from today's digital cameras on a capable monitor or after being printed on one of the newer photo quality printers (using photo quality paper) and you'll see the crystal clear quality of what is available today.

2. How durable are digital camera photos?
Digital camera photos are not stored on film. They're stored on electronic memory devices that actually require much less care than negative film.

As long as reasonable care is taken of the particular storage device, there shouldn't be any problems with protecting images caught on a digital camera, and you can easily make copies of the digital image files on your computer or even burn them to a CD - an option that isn't available with film.

3. Are digital camera photos more expensive to process?
Not anymore. First, you can eliminate any poor images before printing and only pay for those that you print. With "easy share" technology and photo quality printers now available, it is both affordable and convenient to print digital camera photos.

You can even do the task yourself, in the comfort of your own home - without buying expensive development chemicals that are required for film processing! Or, you can send your images electronically to a professional processor, and receive professionally produced photos back in the mail in just a few days.

4. Can I get different effects with a digital camera?
That depends on the digital camera. High end models have built-in features that allow different kinds of effects. But even if your digital camera doesn't have these advanced features, you can always manipulate the photographs on your desktop computer, using any image editing software.

5. Are zooming features comparable?
Here digital cameras actually have a distinct advantage over film cameras. While cheaper digital cameras may only have digital zoom (which is really just a form of in-camera enlargement that results in a lower resolution original image), high end models are available with both digital and optical zooming.

When shopping for your digital camera, give priority to the optical zoom capability and buy the highest power optical zoom that fits within your budget. Digital zoom is a nice extra, but the effects can easily be replicated during the "processing" of the image on your computer, prior to printing the images.


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