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Showing posts with label Innovation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Innovation. Show all posts

Friday, March 15, 2013

Model Sofa minimalis modern

Sofa Minimalis menjadi satu hal yang wajib untuk diperhatikan dalam mendesain interior rumah. Sofa digunakan untuk menjamu tamu dan tempat berkumpulnya keluarga tercinta serta sofa dapat menambah keindahan rumah kita. Yups, dengan memilih sofa yang tepat akan membuat ruangan dirumah kita terlihat lebih elegant dan manis untuk dipandang.

Nah, sekarang ini jenis sofa yang lagi digandrungi yaitu model sofa minimalis karena tampilan sofa minimais simple namun sangat elegant dan cantik. Tertarik menggunakan sofa minimalis dirumah kamu? Sofa minimalis sangat banyak sekali variasinya, berikut ini akan kami berikan beberapa contoh sofa minimalis modern terbaru yang mungkin bisa menjadi referensi buat kamu semua.

Sofa Minimalis Modern Terbaru

Bagus-baguskan model sofa minimalis diatas, semoga bisa bermanfaat buat referensi anda mendesain interior rumah. Owh ya, kami juga punya artikel desain dapur minimalis dan desain pagar minimalis mungkin bisa jadi referensi juga buat kamu. Oke selamat mendesain rumah.
Source:  http://www.disukai.com/2013/01/model-sofa-minimalis-modern-terbaru.html

Contoh model Desain pagar rumah

Model Pagar Rumah memang menjadi salah satu point yang menunjang keindahan suatu desain rumah. Ga lucu banget kalau desain rumah udah bagus minimalis, eh desain pagar ga cocok sama desain rumahnya. Kalau rumahnya didesain minimalis sebaiknya untuk desain pagar juga yang minimalis karena akan terlihat lebih modern dan elegant.

Sudah punya rencana menggunakan desain pagar minimalis tapi masih butuh inspirasi? Tenang aja, kami akan memberikan beberapa contoh model desain pagar untuk rumah minimalis yang tentunya akan menambah keindahan rumah kamu. Silahkan dilihat desain pagar dibawah ini, semoga bisa menginspirasi.

Model Desain Pagar Rumah Minimalis Modern

Monday, April 23, 2012

Innovation Is A State Of Mind

You probably know the myth of innovation as a sudden flash of insight that comes from nowhere. We read about that "aha" moment, or that light bulb turning on in the mind of some inventor or innovator, and this is true to an extent. Einstein really did get flashes of insight while shaving in the morning. However, he was of course working on the particular problems he had insight into, and he didn't suddenly have ideas for new kitchen gadgets or movie plots.

Einsteins innovations, in other words, no matter how "sudden" the original ideas were, came from past and present mental work. It is like a singer who works at his craft for ten years and then becomes an "overnight success." Innovative people only have "sudden" new ideas because they have habitually worked and thought in certain ways for some time. If you want to become an innovative thinker, then, why not start cultivating those mental habits?

Mental Habits Lead To Innovation

Problems can be opportunities. "Problem" may have a negative connotations, such as being a hassle or stressful, but any problem can lead to an innovation that improves our lives. Not knowing the time lead to clocks small enough to put on our wrists. Nasty diseases lead to sanitary sewer systems. Start looking for opportunity in every problem. Even a mundane problem like not having enough storage space could lead to a new innovation. You may just build a plywood floor in the attic, but you could invent a new type of outdoor storage unit.

Innovation begins with understanding the key elements. Metal, wood or glass are not key elements of a door to an innovator. A way to get in, a way to keep others out - these are key elements. Begin with these, and soon you're imagining new ways to make a door. You could design a door that is opened by your voice (nice when your hands are full), or one that shuts and locks itself when anyone else approaches. Think of the key elements in things.

Attitude helps innovation. The creative problem-solving technique of concept-combination involves combining two ideas to see what new idea or product results. The crucial point is that you assume there will be a useful new idea. Starting with that assumption, your mind will work overtime to produce something. A shoe and a CD have nothing to do with each other, but it took just a minute to imagine a CD player with headphones that only plays the music correctly if a jogger maintains his ideal pace. When you assume there is something there you'll often find something.

Playfulness helps innovation. A playful mind is a creative mind, and while high IQ doesn't correlate with creativity, put it together with playfulness, and you have an Einstein. Remember, he imagined himself riding on a beam of light in order to arrive at his theory of relativity. Why not start playing with ideas and things, in your mind and in your surroundings. Innovation should be fun.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Anchoring with NLP

There was some sunshine this weekend while I was writing this! At least here on the sunny south coast of England there was. I went out walking along the sea front with my partner Sara on Saturday morning and it was wonderful; the feeling of sunshine on my face, the smell of the air, the sites of other people out and about and happy, the local land train was shuttling people and their excited children back and forth from Bournemouth pier to Boscombe Pier and my senses were filled – a major event for human neurophysiology (mine anyway!)

The funny thing is, later on that evening when my friends were joking about my pink coloured forehead, I told them that I was really looking forward to summer and as I spoke, I felt the sun on me, imagined the fun I was going to have on the beach, remembered the smell, the amazing feeling of joy that I get from being there, just by anticipating it all.

A natural phenomenon we can replicate with NLP techniques. NLP stands for neuro-linguistic programming, which is just a methodology for helping make changes. We shorten it to NLP for easy understanding.

Without realising it, the time I had spent on the sea front earlier that day had acted as an anchor for the wonderful experience which immediately followed it. The next time I saw & heard the experience, albeit in my mind, my neurology went "I know what happens now" and started to produce the intense physical responses that it 'knew' were coming next.

In the field of NLP, an anchor is any representation in the human nervous system that triggers any other representation. For instance, the word 'sex' will immediately trigger images, sounds etc associated with that word. The word 'chocolate' will trigger different associations. I am not too sure which of those will create the most intense feelings though! These words are anchors. Anchors do not have to be words, they can be a wide range of things.

With NLP, we identify that anchors can operate in any representational system (ie. sight, sound, feeling, smell, taste.) Let me give you some examples;

Tonal: By that, I mean for example, the special way a certain person has of saying your name, like when a friend or family member says it. My mother shouting my name from the depths of my home when I was a child often signalled the fact that she had discovered something that I had done that meant trouble for me! "Adam!" often made me feel what I was in store for.

Tactile: The effect of a certain type of handshake for example, or the sensation of a reassuring hug compared to a loving cuddle. Rekindles all kinds of wonderful feelings.

Visual: The way people respond to certain items of clothing. I recently had lunch with a group of my friends from the town where I grew up and several of them commented on the jacket I was wearing. Now, whenever they see it, it reminds them of those comments and makes them smile.


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