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Showing posts with label Motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motivation. Show all posts

Monday, April 23, 2012

Keep on Track with a Vision Statement

What is a Vision Statement? It isn't the vision or dream you have every once in awhile about the car or house or lifestyle you want to have. It is not part of your "wish" list that says some day I would like to have, "_____".

Why do I need a Vision Statement? I am getting along just fine with the way things are, I am paying my bills and working my way up in the JOB I have why do I want to rock the boat.

Psychologically you live in the present, you look at what you have, what you do and who you are in the "present" not in the future. You get up each morning and see where you live, what you drive, where you work and what you do each day and every week as it is right now.

To take advantage of your Dreams to Achieve Your True Worth you need to start seeing your life as it will be as you start living in your True Worth, your new lifestyle. But how do you do this since you only see your life in it's present tense? How do you use the power of your mind and start moving into the "YOU" you deserve to be?

Gary has always felt that everyone "Deserves To Have It All" and his desire is to assist others in Achieving Their True Worth and having it all. http://sandgmarketing.com

Wah Lah, enter the Vision Statement. This statement is a statement of your new lifestyle, the things you deserve, such as the house, the car, the ability to assist others, the trips, the vacations, etc. Everything in this statement is in the present tense as if you already have them and are living them. Here is where your Dreams become present tense and active because you are living it TODAY and it is awesome.

"The surround sound system fills the interior of my _______ (type of vehicle) as I am driving back from the airport. My trip to ___________ was just as I had imagined it would be. And after spending that time on an airplane the smell of new leather in my _____________ is so refreshing. Just ahead I see my two story home that some of my friends call my mansion in the middle of nowhere. It is surrounded by trees and the lush lawn just begs to be walked on with your bare feet…"

Embellish as much as possible with all the details of your new life. Describe in minute detail the exterior and landscaping of your home, all the rooms and what is in each room. Your daily routine as it will be and the things you plan to do next, (i.e. Trips, Vacations, visiting, learning, etc.) just everything you have ever dreamed of doing. Running your business out of your office or from your office building (if you want to keep your business and personal life separate). Your investments, your rental properties, the properties you are flipping, etc.

The greater the detail the better easier it is for it to become part of you. The more you read it the more your posture and self assurance will improve. As these improve your attitude will improve because you are becoming your Vision, you are the person that has and does all of these things because in your subconscious you are creating the You that You have always Deserved to be. Your self confidence will increase and come to the top and you will feel so much better about yourself and your ability to improve your lifestyle.

Reading your Vision Statement every day is one way to begin this life enhancing experience but one that works even better is to record your Vision Statement as you read it and copy it to a CD or tape so that you can listen to it at least once a day. Studies have shown that there are two voices that have the most profound influence upon someone's life your mothers voice or your voice.

Day after day of hearing your vision your subconscious will start believing and as it starts believing so do you and that starts and keeps things moving in your life towards your new direction. This replaces the negative self talk you might be doing at the present time. Any time something negative comes up in your mind (self talk) your daily listening to or reading of your Vision Statement should eventually replace this with a positive self talk.

Might sound like gibberish to some, but it has had outstanding results for those that have committed and followed through with Visions, their goals, their action plans, etc. When do you feel it is time to write your vision statement and start hearing your new life every day? No time life the present or else you are going to end up with the same life you have now doing the same things you have been doing.

What do you "Deserve" to have? What lifestyle do you "Deserve" to live? Truthfully, "No One Deserves It More Than YOU!" because "YOU Deserve To Have It All!"

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bouncing Back From Difficult Times

Life happens. It doesn't matter how positive an attitude you have or how balanced and centered you are, there are going to be times when you are knocked down. Ties when your carefully organized life is turned upside down and you get knocked on your rear end. Life happens.

You will no doubt experience serious illness in either yourself or someone close to you. You may be challenged with the loss of a loved one, a divorce or perhaps the loss of a job or any number of situations that will leave you feeling like you were kicked in the stomach.

Let's face it. These things will happen. They're part of life and no matter how you try to explain them away with the idea that, "everything happens for a reason," they hurt. A lot! They hurt at the very core of your being. The pain begins in your heart and radiates throughout your entire being. Repeating positive phrases does not make it stop hurting.

At times like these, you're going to feel down, even depressed. You probably feel anger or some other manifestation of your pain. Whatever you're feeling, it's ok. It's ok to feel hurt, sad, angry or whatever your true feelings are. You cannot deny pain any more than can deny fear. The only way through either of them is to give yourself permission to feel the feeling.

The question is not whether or not you will feel down. The question is for how ling will you stay in this state?

The difference between people who get through life's challenging moments, regardless of the seriousness, and those who are immobilized by the events is what I call the "Bounce factor."

How quickly can you bounce back? Of course, the severity of the event will have a lot to do with the time it will take you to get past the pain and on with your life.

Take the example of two people being downsized from their high technology jobs, something that is becoming a natural occurrence these days. One, whom we'll call John, is floored by the news of his dismissal. He expresses his pain by becoming angry at the company, his co-workers and the system in general. He spends his days telling anyone who'll listen, about his "problem." Usually from a bar stool.

As he sees it, his life is ruined and he's blaming everyone for his troubles. People who react like John spend weeks, even months, wallowing in despair until, if they're fortunate, someone close to them convinces them to seek professional help.<

Mary, on the other hand, reacts much differently. Although she has gone through the same experience as John and has pretty much the same issues like living expenses, etc., she chooses to react differently.

After a brief period of feeling a loss of self-esteem, self-pity and anger, Mary decides to get back in the game. She begins contacting her network of colleagues and co-workers, avails herself of the outplacement services her former employer offered everyone and starts actively looking for a new position. In a short time, Mary finds her "dream job" with an exciting new company.

While both people in our hypothetical example Had the same experience and both went through a period of hurting, the time each allowed themselves to remain in that dis-empowering state was vastly different. While John remained "stuck" in his problem, Mary handled her loss and moved on with her life.

This is the key. It's not whether life occasionally puts you into a tailspin, it's how long you remain there.

When something devastating happens to you, allow yourself some time to grieve your loss, however, don't allow yourself to get stuck there. Take some action. Join a support group, talk about your feelings with a trusted friend or your spiritual advisor. If necessary, seek professional help.

In the case of a job loss, perhaps you want to take some time to re-evaluate your career goals. You may even consider a change in fields. When you're ready, you can begin networking and making new contacts. Attend social or church events. Call people you know. Do something!

One of the most important things to remember in high stress situations is not to allow yourself to isolate. While spending some time alone is normal, even necessary, isolation can be dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Get out and be with people as soon as possible. As a friend recently reminded me, "life is for the living." It's important to get back to your life. In time, the pain will pass.


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