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Showing posts with label Adversiting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adversiting. Show all posts

Friday, March 15, 2013

Penginapan, hotel dan villa di Lembang Bandung

Penginapan, Hotel dan Villa di Lembang Bandung pasti enak kalau pas liburan atau sedang berkunjung ke Lembang Bandung bisa nginep di villa. Bisa istirahat sambil menikmati udara sejuk dan pemandangan alam pegunungan yang indah di Lembang. Apalagi di Lembang Bandung banyak sekali tempat wisata yang menarik, ga cukup dong kalau cuma berkunjung satu hari.

Nah, buat kamu yang mau menginap di Lembang Bandung. Jangan khawatir kebingungan mencari tempat penginapan, karena kali ini kami akan memberikan rekomendasi tempat penginapan, hotel dan villa yang ada di Lembang Bandung.

Penginapan, Hotel dan Villa di Lembang Bandung

Penginapan, Hotel dan Villa di Lembang Bandung

Puteri Gunung hotel ( Bintang 4 )
Jl. Raya Tangkuban Perahu Km.16, Lembang
Tlp.. 022 2786620
Fax 022 2786902

Grand Hotel Lembang ( Bintang 3 )
Jl. Raya Lembang
Tlp. 022 2786671

Villa Venetys
Jl. Maribaya 155E, Lembang-Cikidang, Area Bandung
Telp.: +62 22 70620483
email : info@villa-venetys.com
(sekitar Tangkuban Perahu)

Hotel Panorama Lembang
Jl. Raya Tangkuban Perahu
Tlp. 022 2786030, Fax 2786780

SanGria Resort & Spa
Jl. Raya Holtikultura Lembang
Telp : 022-2788772
Fax : 62 - 22 – 2787045

Villa Aurellia Lembang Maribaya
Desa Cibodas - Kampung Sukamulya RW 02 Maribaya Lembang -jawa barat, Indonesia
Tlp Arie : 081321026985 Wulan : 022-70328138

Hotel Narima Indah
Jl Nyampai No 48 Cibogo, Lembang, Bandung hjsundari@gmail.com
Telp 022 7084 5037 / 022 7084 5121 | Hp 0815 884 2729 / 0812 2142 4334 / 0878 8880 32077

Hotel Yehezikiel
Jl. Maribaya 118
Tlp. 2787133
Fax 2786677

Dayang Sumbi
Jl. Raya Lembang Km 17,8
Tlp. 0222786122

Hotel Cemara
Jl. Raya Lembang No 51
Tlp. 5222554

Pondok Lembang
Jl. Maribaya
Tlp. 022 2786078

Hotel Bumi Makmur Indah
Jl. Raya Lembang
Tlp. 022 2788877

Manggala Giri
Jl. Tangkuban Perahu Lembang
Tlp. 022 2787505

Penginapan 68
Jl. Raya Lembang
Tlp. 022 2786802

Pondok Mawar
Jl. Tangkuban Perahu
Tlp. 022 2786120

Cemara Asri
Jl. Grand Hotel no 25
Tlp. 022 2785756

Hotel de Valley
Jl. Dago Ciburial
Tlp. 022 2504540

Wisma Gunung Putri
Jl. Tangkuban Perahu no 24 Lembang
Tlp. –

Villa Air
Jl. Kol Masturi Cisarua Lembang
Tlp. 022 2789440

Lembang Asri
Jl. Kol Masturi Cisarua
Tlp. 022 2787690

Jl. Tangkuban perahu
Tlp. 022 2786808

Sari Bumi Raya
Jl. Tangkuban Perahu
Tlp. 022 2786422

Jl. Raya Lembang km 11,2
Tlp. 022 2786121
Fax 022 2788286

Pondok Panorama
Jl. Tangkuban Perahu
Tlp. 022 2786190

Jl. Jayagiri
Tlp. 022 2786270

Pondok Sukamanah
Jl. Maribaya
Tlp. 022 276996

Insulinde Indah
Jl. Cihanjuang
Tlp. 022 270087

Nah, diatas bisa kamu lihat daftar penginapan, hotel dan villa di Lembang Bandung. Untuk harga sewa kamar, bisa kamu tanyakan langsung melalui nomer telpon yang sudah tertera karena harganya selalu berubah. Oke, selamat berlibur di Lembang Bandung.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Advertising : What is Pixel Promotion All About?

There exists a new type of advertising that is going great. Watch out, it could be the next most prominent event since Google Adsense. At present, site owners expend immense amounts of money in order to get visitors to their web page. They try pay per click ads, banner ads, popup ads, and a hundred other, often nefarious, methods of acquiring traffic. The newest way of attracting visitors has become known as Pixel Advertising.

The basic premise is that pixels (the primary unit that makes up a graphic on a website) are made available on a web page. These pixels display graphics that link back to the advertiser's website. The page becomes a mosaic that can often equal the best pop culture art. The outcome is a web page that gets qualified traffic with a link back to their site, this in turn causes sales which, in anyone's book, is the name of the game.

The reasoning behind this new medium is the idea that PPC advertising costs too much. Ten PPC clicks per day at 50 cents per click works out at $1825 per annum. Often pay per click costs a great deal more than this depending, obviously, on the competition.

Pixel adverts are usually a single cost and are valid for years. It is not uncommon to see pixel site owners providing their space for 5 years. With a good quality graphic, it could attract more visitors to your website than pay per click advertising resulting in big savings. Spaces are most commonly sold in 10 by 10 pixel blocks at 5 cents per pixel up to over a dollar a pixel. A 10 by 10 block comprises 100 pixels. The 10px by 10px minimum format is usually the norm as this is logically the smallest functional space. Blocks of pixels generally have to form a square or a rectangle.

Pixel advertising is just in it's infancy. It is much too early to tell where it may lead, but for what they cost, the pixel ads tend to be most likely money well spent. Overall, it's likely to be a small price to pay and could benefit site owners with a good collection of inbound links.


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