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Showing posts with label eBooks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eBooks. Show all posts

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Follow These Simple Steps to Book Publishing Success

Let's begin with the process that should commence before you write your first word. Begin by reading A LOT. Read both books you passionately love and books you can't seem to make it past page five. Then figure out what the author did in the book you loved, and what was wrong with in the book you couldn't finish. Write down these points so they are crystal clear to you. Read other people's books for inspiration and to
discover what you should avoid as a writer.

The next step is to plan out your book. Narrow down your subject, and then divide it into chapters. Each chapter should address a specific aspect of the problem your book is going to solve. In each chapter, break the specific aspect down into several parts. This will help your readers take in your information a bit at a time instead of overwhelming them with every bit of information clogging up the pages until they feel like they're about to go blind. It's not quite spoon-feeding the information to your readers, but it's close.

The next two steps are obvious. Write your book and then revise it. And then revise it again. And perhaps again. Of course, writing is extremely hard, and writing a book can seem like an impossible task. There are many books out there that give you guidelines to help you become familiar - and even love - the process of writing and revision. Find a number of books about writing. Better yet, find a number of books about writing the specific type of book you aspire to write. These can serve as roadmaps on your writing journey.

Once you've written your book and revised it at least twice, show it to someone else whose opinion you respect. If you're lucky enough to know a good editor, see if you have something to barter for him or her to go through your manuscript. Or join a writing group and let the other members critique your work.

Then take all these ideas from other people, and revise your manuscript one last time. And then stop! Put down that pen! Get your hands off the keyboard!

One of the most important steps to actually producing a book is to know when to stop writing and tinkering with it.

You've finally written your book! Pop open the bubbly! Give yourself a night out on the town!

Okay, now that this necessary celebration is out of your system, what do you do next?

How to turn your book into Profits

Ebooks are a revolutionary way to publish your book without incurring the costs of print production. All you need is a relevant and targeted subject and some inexpensive software, and you can transform your manuscript into a book.

The problem, in terms of actually seeing any profits from your ebook, is that the market is overwhelmed with ebooks, and many of them are not worth the time it takes to download them. Just because the ability exists to easily produce an ebook, doesn't make it good writing.

Make sure your book does not simply rehash old material. You will injure your credibility as an author by claiming to offer valuable new insights and disappointing your audience with material they've read a zillion times before. So spend enough time writing and revising your book to make sure it's of the highest quality and presents the most current information. A good book will eventually sell itself; false claims about your book will make it extremely difficult to sell any future books you may write

Assuming you have determined that you do indeed have a quality product that answers some question or need of your target audience with NEW information, how do you know how much to charge for it? Rule number 1: Set a price for your book equal to its value. An under-priced book will only give the impression that your book isn't worth very much.

To figure out a fair price, estimate how much time you put into creating it and how difficult it was to transform the necessary information into understandable and engaging writing. Figure out how much your time and effort is worth, and then price it accordingly. The goal is for you to be adequately compensated for your talent, your time, and your effort.

Once you've figured out a price that is high enough to convey the value of the book, but not so high as to be out of the reach of your target audience's mean budget, then it's time to offer it for sale on your website. To attract sales, you will need to develop a promotional campaign, particularly if you are an unknown author.

There are multitudes of books about self-promotion that will guide you in your efforts. Choose a plan that is both creative and professional. Learn how to write a catchy yet informative press release, and send copies of your ebook to sites that specialize in ebook reviews.

Learn how to write powerful sales copy, or hire someone to write it for you. This is an essential. You absolutely need excellent sales copy to sell your book. Make sure the copy includes all the reasons your target audience needs your book, and the benefits they will derive from buying it.

Use graphics in your promotional materials. Beautiful graphics have the power to instantly convey the quality and value of your ebook. Graphics can also convey the amount of valuable information the book contains, and your careful attention to detail. Professional graphics sell professional books. They reassure the customer that the product is what it claims to be.

Consider excerpting chapters for articles. You can offer these titbits for free on your website as a sort of demo of your book. Include an order form for your ebook at the end of the excerpted articles.

Finally, when you set-up your download link, make sure to simplify the process. It's a good idea to offer a few bonuses that make your book even more enticing to purchase, but make sure the bonuses are valuable and high quality. Too many bonuses that are basically a load of useless stuff will compromise the impression your audience has of your ebook. The goal is to convey to your audience that they are getting a quality product for a good deal. That means applying restraint, especially when it comes to adding bonus items. Too much free stuff offered diminishes your credibility.

Make sure your book is a quality product. Make sure it is relevant and current. Develop an effective marketing plan that includes excellent sales copy and excerpted articles. Then offer your book for sale, and wait for your audience to discover you!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Are These Internet Marketing Ebooks Hogwash?

Internet Marketing as we all know it is pretty crowded with funny people making lots of huge bombastic claims over their nonsense crappy books and stuff. You might have come across ebooks making claims like "how to make $XXX in 2 weeks" or "anyone can earn money at home".

Being guilty of myself, I have literally spent gazillion amount of money into these internet marketing ebooks when I started out but only to find it later at those free-for-all ebooks directories, free membership sites or even those giveaway sites. Though it's a sad experience to see youself spending money into something which could be downloaded somewhere over the Internet for free, there are still some good ebooks and materials which you should buy. Here are some of the guidelines which you should know of before you start your spending spree.

Don't Spend Money On Junk
Don't spend your money on something that tells you that with no experience you can make a lot of money. Typically this stuff is nothing more than trying to sell you pie in the sky. You can always learn and equipped yourself with knowledge from other free ebooks, newsletters or forums before spending your money on these ebooks.

Only Buy From The Experts Who Are Successful Themselves
The most advertised ebooks are not always the best. Good stuff will naturally come to you either by way of constant good reviews from other Internet Marketers, word of mouth, buzz from forums or discussion boards and even testimonials from the actual people who use them. Thus, you should always buy from the recognized experts who have had tons of experience under their belt and also reputable results to back up their claims.

Buy Only On What You Actually Need.
It's no point to spend your hard earned money on whatever ebooks or internet marketing materials which you come across, however good the claims are on the sales copy. Remember, good sales copy is supposed to play around the prospects' psychology behaviors into believing their actual claims. That's why professional copywriters charge tens of thousands for great sales copy because they do bring in lots of sales just by selling hype. You should only spend money on ebooks which could help you move on in your business. For example, if you feel that you are lack in copywriting skills, then you ought to buy copywriting materials from the professionals.

Taking Action Is The Best Action You Can Make.
Let's face it, how many of us who could spend a bomb in our internet marketing materials but only to find it lying around in our computer hard disk for ages? The fact is, no matter how good or how expensive or even how reputable the ebooks that you've bought, it doesn't matter until you make the first step into implementing the materials which you learn from the ebooks. If you are new to Internet Marketing, then you should only buy ebooks that will teach you step by step in setting up your Internet Marketing business. Otherwise, stay away from them.

Hardcopy VS Intangible Books
There had been discussions going on which debate just how good are those Internet Marketing books found on the bookstores compared to those on the Internet. While I couldn't agree more on some of the great Internet Marketing books you can find on the bookshelves, but in reality, most of the books I found cover only general concepts of the Internet Marketing. For example, in the business or internet marketing section of the bookstore, you might find stuff like "how to make money online" if you are looking for a book on internet marketing, but you can find a more specific ebook on the internet on "How to Get Successful Reciprocal Linking" or something like that. Both of these are related to Internet Marketing, but the latter tends to be more specific in their scope. Like what I've mentioned in the previous point, you should know what you are lack of and buy ebooks that will help you move forward in your business. If you are just starting out, internet marketing books in the bookstore will serve just as good as the newbie ebooks online.

As a conclusion, make sure you know who you can trust online before buying from them. There are lots of these self-proclaim internet Marketing Gurus who are just like the average Joe struggling to make money online. Remember, there are bunch of those great forums and discussion boards which not only you could find great pieces of information, but also the chance to pose questions as well.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Gone Phishing and your the fish!

Believe it or not, there are rascals inhabiting this very planet, their consequence emanates from under the woodwork everywhere, and arrives without warning at your inbox.

These communiqués, in the form of emails, are simply the result of people who have gone "phishing," not to be confused with the term "gone fishing," a practice no one seems to object to except maybe the fish. Still these rogues are after a fish, and the fish my friend is you!

Phishing employs both technical schemes and reliance on your lack of caution, to gain your personal identity and financial information data.

The way they hook their victim is through a cloaked link (the bait) leading their unsuspecting fish, that's you, to a counterfeit website carefully designed to trick their catch (you) into divulging private financial data such as, credit card numbers, usernames, passwords, social security numbers, and so forth.

These traps are intermingled with everyday spam, or whatever passes as spam, littering your inbox. In reality, ordinary spam is merely bothersome at worst, requiring its disposal through excessive use of the delete key, yet phishing can be far more destructive.

These deceptive ploys fraught with harmful intentions are daily appearing in mail boxes everywhere, arriving from outside and inside the country highlighting the Internets lack of policing and our peril.

An email message can be a useful and handy tool, yet it's tailor-made for this type of villain. The reminder you receive can appear as a genuine concern from a business you are doing commerce with, and have already entrusted your personal information.

The subject line of these bogus emails reads something like, "We suspect an unauthorized transaction on your account," then sets the hook by declaring only "good intentions" by stating, "To ensure your account is not compromised, please click the link below and confirm your identity."

Or, the phony email might assert that, "During our regular verification of accounts we couldn't verify your information." This phrase is calculated to put you into a panic, then comes the bait, please click here to update and verify your information." And, if you do, they win!

And yes, I am not too proud to admit a close friend of mine, in his newbie days, fell prey to this blatant deception. Come to think of it, his name and description is curiously the same as mine. Oh well, I know it couldn't have been me, as I wouldn't fall for such a ruse. Then again!

Following this incident, I have developed a simple rule, I never respond through any email allegedly from anyone I'm doing business with, regardless of my lack of suspicion. Where I feel it's of proper concern, I go directly through my browser to the site, enter and check it out.

This advice I offer you like a brother, never react directly with any message that poses a serious concern and provides a "convenient" link for you to deposit your critical information. It could be the most costly mistake of your life.

While there are sites where you can forward these poison pills, your only real protection, is you. Don't rely on any company, notwithstanding their plausible concerns, for in the end, you retain the power of the delete button, use it wisely.

By the bye, phishing is often referred to as "spoofing," what a harmless expression. As if, "sure I stole your identity, cleaned out your bank account, left you with huge financial losses to overcome, but hey, I was only spoofing!"

Change Voice To Earn Cash With E-Learning

Sticking my eyes to the desktop eight hours per day has been thickening my glasses year by year. My flat-mate, who is working for an E-commerce company, is also in the same situation but his currently overjoyed laugh and cheerful voice in front of the PC usually awake me at midnight when I am still in the mist of my dreams. Surprisingly because he is not an "easy to hit it off" type among my pals and hard to believe a young guy with the motto "24 hours are not enough for a day" can be addicted to online game or chit-chat. So what has oddly been happening to him really inspired me to find out the reasons.

Going beyond all my expectations, it turned out that he has been using Paltalk, a pretty popular online chat tool, to find some friends in Asia to have an overview of this emergent mecca before his adventurous trip to Japan, Korea and South East Asian region. All of that information seemed not transparent enough for a doubtful mind, I decided to install this chat tool and explore by myself.

Visiting some forums of languages learning was an eye-opener for me when I noticed that many people use Paltalk, Skype, Yahoo messenger or AOL not only for fun but also for teaching and learning. An English speaking room in Paltalk impressed me much as the admin, a retired Australian teacher, volunteered to teach English for some 10 people who are mostly from Asian countries. When typing is as old as hills, talking over a microphone in this kind of voice conference can help those "students" listen and imitate the native accent. This teacher asked everybody to browse a website, read an article, pick up the microphone and raise hand to share ideas in the conference. I also joined another one as the topic was about movies – my favorite. When I was still wavering about going to see "The memoirs of a Geisha" because I had never had a profound interest in any Asian movie without Jackie Chan, one Japanese woman helped me summarize its content from the Japanese original book. From her talk, many splendid types of kimono and the ups and downs in geishas' life really encouraged me to spend one night at the cinema and helped me know that Zhang Zi Yi, Wanatabe Ken, Gong Li, etc. are also brilliant stars. We exchanged countless thank you's as I had a lesson about Japanese culture and she could practice to brush up her English. I am not totally into the definition of E-learning and its advantages because you can search a huge mountain of information about this aspect on the Internet. However, what I have told you is also called E-learning, isn't it? My eyes would be a little tired but that is worthwhile because I have received many useful lessons.

Oops, probably you are complaining of my verbosity and the irrelevance to the title of this writing. Anyway, making money is not like a knife through butter.

I read some very interesting news yesterday that a ninth-grade Indian teaches Mathematics for a younger one in the U.S. This talented tutor can earn 10 bucks for every hour, which sounds very impressive. Here, long distance does not matter when they can send word files by email or Instant messenger and do exercises by talking in a voice chat conference. The interesting thing is this Indian has to use a voice changer software to enhance his voice quality as you know, Indian accent and dialect are not so easy for everyone in the world to understand. That is what we usually say "necessity is the mother of invention" and earning cash is not something out of reach.

Definitely I will tell my flat-mate about those. A cool idea of making money would pop into his mind, legally, why not?

Impressions of The Rich Jerk eBook

By now, if you haven't heard of "The Rich Jerk", you've either been living in a cave for the past year, or you are extremely new to earning a living online. This guy is everywhere. His offensive approach is enough to repel most, and his website is like a chapter out of "Nightmare on Internet Marketers Street". But you have to admit one thing; this guy knows exactly what he's doing!

Ok, before you even say it, I know what you're thinking... "Great! Another favorable review of The Rich Jerk. Probably another one of his employees." Well, you're only partly right. Overall, I think this guy's shtick is pretty slick, and after reading his eBook, I can honestly say that I've benefited from it. However, I am not one of his employees, and unlike some, I'm not going to say I'm making millions now because of his eBook. What I am going to do is give you an honest overview of his eBook in every day terms and let you decide whether or not it's worth your time and money to look into it further.

Ok, before we get started, let's get something straight. I hate reading long-winded articles about questionable subjects, and I figure the same is true for you. So, if you're looking for an article with a lot of "fluff" and fictitious evidence, look elsewhere. What you're going to get from me is a short and sweet overview, as an honest business man, of "I'm Better Than You - The Rich Jerk's Guide to Making Money Online"

Initial Impressions - The Website
Like I said before, this guy's site is a nightmare! It's stuffed full of so many marketing tricks and terms that I thought I stumbled across the holy grail of all Internet Marketing sites. Like the thousands of other "Get Rich Quick" sites out there, this site just reeks of marketing crap. There's only one twist to this site that kept me reading. This guy's copy is absolutely insulting! I couldn't help but read it. It's hilarious! I don't know if this guy has studied reverse psychology or not, but he sure is good at it.

Initial Impressions - The eBook
After reading over this guy's site a couple times, I was pretty well convinced that his product was going to be yet another waste of time and energy, but I figured that if I read the eBook and could write an informative article exposing this guy, the traffic it would generate for me would more than compensate me for the fifty bucks it took to get the book.

I'll spare you the fifty cent overview of the appearance of the book and just tell you this.. It's done right. The look, the layout, and even the security are top notch. This guy wants to make sure that you get the right impression and that you cannot easily replicate his work.

I was quite amazed at how short this book is. There are nine chapters totaling sixty pages. Even for someone like me who doesn't like to read a lot, this was a very manageable chunk of data. The following is a list of the chapters contained in the book.

Chapter 1 - Creating an Affiliate Website that Sells like Crazy
Chapter 2 - Unique Search Engine PPC Strategies that Kill the Competition
Chapter 3 - Search Engine Optimization Strategies (SEO)
Chapter 4 - Selling Your Own Informational Product
Chapter 5 - Buying Wholesale and Selling on eBay
Chapter 6 - Websites you can Make Profitable Right Now
Chapter 7 - Other Online Ventures to Consider
Chapter 8 - Supplemental Info for Beginners
Chapter 9 - Quality Products/Services I Highly Recommend

As you can see, yet more marketing jargon stuffed into the titles of the chapters. I started to roll my eyes and kick myself for wasting my time, but instead, I decided to read on. I'm glad I did.

I'm not going to waste my time and yours going into excruciating detail about every chapter. I'm not a professional book reviewer. Quite frankly, I'm barely good enough at English to write this article. However, I will give you my overall impressions

This guy either has a split personality, or is exceptionally good at putting on the "Jerk" face on his website. What I found in his book what completely different. It was almost like he forgot to be a jerk and just got straight down to business.

Like many "informational products", this book has a lot of common sense information in it. I'd estimate that at least half of the book is composed of information you can freely find elsewhere, if you feel like investing the time. The other half of the information presented is new information to me, but it may not be so to a well seasoned marketer. I'm a web designer, not a marketer, so I cannot say for sure. I will say that the way the information is presented in this book definitely piqued my interest and made more than a few light bulbs go off in my head.

It's not so much that he was presenting anything to me that was all that earth shattering. It's more of a case of him presenting it in a different way. A way my brain understands and could process effectively. Unlike his site and the chapter index, the book actually had less marketing buzzwords and more everyday language wisdom. He clearly and concisely outlined exactly the steps you would need to take to achieve xyz results. To be completely honest, if you follow the steps to the letter, I don't see how you could not make some money. I wouldn't say you would end up rich, but you definitely could make some extra pocket cash.

The thing that surprised me the most about this eBook is that, while it still heavily focused on Internet Marketing, it contains so much useful information on SEO and starting a legitimate online business. This guy even provides you with a ton of resources, including contact information for wholesale outlets! Whether you're interested in Internet Marketing or not, you might be surprised at what you will find in this book. This guy even taught me a couple tricks about SEO, a service I provide professionally!

Bottom line, if you've got the time on your hands and you're really short on cash, you might want to spend your time on Google researching marketing. Most likely, you'll eventually run across the vast majority of the techniques this guy teaches in his book. Likewise, if you're a seasoned pro, this book might not be a good investment for you as you might only learn a couple new tricks. However, if you've got fifty bucks to spare, or if you are short on time and want to launch your online business quickly, then I personally believe this eBook is worth the money.

I started employing just a couple of the "white hat" tactics outlined in this eBook a couple days ago, and have tried to remain consistent with them. In less than a week, the traffic coming to this site has more than doubled. Given that I'm not selling anything (yet), I'm certainly not raking in the cash. But, I figured, if I'm going to test out this guy's methods, I might as well try it out on a tough market and see how it works. Go ahead, check my Alexa rankings, this guy's tips work.

On a final note... I'm not going to feed you some line of bull. If you are serious about making money online legitimately, there is work involved. I don't think The Rich Jerk would dispute this fact. To see the gains I've seen just in a few days, I had to invest a little bit of my time. However, the time I invested in order to achieve those results is far less than what I had invested before to get less traffic. Essentially, by following The Rich Jerk's tips, I've reduced the amount of time it takes to market my site, while increasing the effectiveness of my efforts. For me, that's well worth the fifty bucks.

You've got my opinion, for what it's worth. Take it or leave it, it's up to you. I know I'll be making more money in 2006.


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