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Showing posts with label Alexa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alexa. Show all posts

Monday, December 24, 2012

Pengguna Domain Indonesia Diklaim Meningkat Pesat

Jakarta - Pertumbuhan internet yang pesat di Indonesia juga berdampak pada meningkatnya nama domain Indonesia, .id. Menurut catatan Pengelola Nama Domain Internet Indonesia (PANDI), hingga 19 Desember 2012 terdaftar 103.882 nama domain. Jumlah ini melonjak 62,5 persen dari jumlah domain .id akhir tahun 2011 sebesar 63.930 domain.

Angka tersebut menurut PANDI sangat luar biasa, bahkan bisa dikatakan sebagai rekor tertinggi dalam sejarah pertumbuhan domain .id.

"Kami berharap dalam satu tahun ke depan domain .id dapat melewati jumlah domain negara-negara lain di Asia Tenggara," kata Ketua Umum PANDI, Andi Budimansyah.

Di 2013 PANDI memperkirakan jumlah pengguna domain .id akan kembali meningkat, setidaknya tumbuh sampai 170% hingga akhir 2013 mendatang.

"Akan terdaftar sekitar 300 ribu nama domain," tambah Andi, dalam keterangan yang diterima detikINET, Sabtu (22/12/2012).

Di penghujung 2012 ini, PANDI juga merilis dua Second Level Domain (SLD) baru, biz.id, dan my.id. Domain biz.id ditujukan untuk kelompok usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM), sedangkan my.id ditujukan untuk pengguna personal. Satu bulan sejak dirilis, tercatat pendaftaran 216 domain biz.id dan 586 domain my.id.

Tag : SEO domain, Indonesian Domain Names
Source: http://inet.detik.com/read/2012/12/22/131002/2125196/398/pengguna-domain-indonesia-diklaim-meningkat-pesat

Mengapa Harus Pakai Domain .id?

Jakarta - Pengelola Nama Domain Internet Indonesia (Pandi) dan para registrarnya masih terus coba mengajak pengguna internet Tanah Air untuk menggunakan domain .id. Pun demikian, pasti banyak yang bertanya-tanya, mengapa saya harus memakai domain .id?

Alasan pertama dan menyangkut idealisme adalah, jelas domain .id merupakan identitas bangsa Indonesia. Sehingga jika situs Anda menggunakan domain .id, maka akan langsung teridentifikasi berasa dari Indonesia.

"Melalui penawaran domain .id, IM2 ingin menyampaikan bahwa domain .id merupakan identitas kita sebagai bangsa Indonesia karenanya mari kita bersama-sama memasyarakatkan penggunaan domain .id," tutur Adjacent Business Development IM2, Thalhah Fakhrizal, di sela acara Indocomtech 2012.

Alasan lain yang diutarakan IM2 adalah, jika visibilitas merupakan faktor yang dipertimbangkan, maka domain .id juga menjadi pilihan yang tepat apabila konten website menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dan menargetkan pengunjung lokal.

Untuk diketahui, saat ini Google menerapkan unsur lokalisasi pada hasil pencariannya. Misalnya, bagi Anda yang berada di Jakarta mencari 'classic motorcycle' di Google, maka yang dihadirkan Google pada hasil pencariannya di posisi teratas adalah 'classic motorcycle' yang berada di Jakarta dan sekitarnya.

Pencari password yang sama di lokasi berbeda akan mendapatkan hasil yang berbeda pula. Jadi, jika Anda adalah pengusaha yang ingin mempromosikan produk/jasa Anda melalui situs internet dengan target utama adalah masyarakat Indonesia, maka domain .id dianggap sebagai pilihan terbaik.

"Penggunaan domain internasional akan mempermudah diindeks oleh Google dan akan mendapat ranking tinggi di hasil pencarian Google kini hanyalah mitos," ujar Thalhah.

Faktanya, ia melanjutkan, ada jutaan website dengan nama domain internasional dan tidak semua mendapat peringkat bagus.

"Peringkat mesin pencari akan kembali kepada kekuatan SEO (Search Engine Optimization) masing-masing. Dan penggunaan nama domain hanya salah satu daru banyak unsur SEO," pungkasnya.

Menurut data Pandi, jumlah domain .id per Agustus 2012 berkisar 87 ribuan, yang didominasi .co.id dan .web.id. Padahal jumlah pengguna internet Indonesia sudah menembus angka 55 juta.

Di sisi lain, Singapura yang populasi penduduknya jauh lebih sedikit dari Indonesia, memiliki sekitar 100 ribuan pengguna domain lokal (.sg). Sementara Malaysia memiliki sekitar 90 ribuan pengguna domain .my.

Tag : About Alexa Tips, Rank Alexa, Seo tips, trik Seo, Agar blog 10 teratas Google Search
Source : http://inet.detik.com/read/2012/11/02/143808/2079875/398/mengapa-harus-pakai-domain-id

Thursday, May 24, 2012

How To Boost Your Alexa Ranking In One Easy Step

Make More Money From Text Links

It’s well known that many text link brokers, such as Text-Link-Ads.com (aff), factor in AlexaRank when determining the price to charge advertisers for links on your site or blog. The higher you raise your AlexaRank the more you potentially can earn, and this reason alone is enough to pay attention to methods to increase your AlexaRank.

An AlexaRank Experiment

AlexaRank is calculated using the Alexa Toolbar. Alexa takes the browsing data from the millions of people using the Toolbar and calculates the traffic ranking of each site. As Alexa states, while low traffic sites are harder to gauge accurately, once a site reaches a 100,000 or less ranking the accuracy of the measure increases. Hence if you can top a 10,000 AlexaRank, or even 1000, the credibility of that ranking is increased.
As Blaine Moore pointed out in a comment made to my previous AlexaRank article, it is easy to – as he put it – “game” the AlexaRank if you have a tool that checks AlexaRank installed on your computer, and that doesn’t have to be just the toolbar, it can be for a FireFox extension like SearchStatus, which I recently installed on my browser. These tools send data to Alexa, and when Alexa receives any data about your surfing habits it will raise the traffic rankings for the sites you provide data for – and if you visit your own sites often you can raise your ranking.
I can’t verify that installing any AlexaRank checking tool will help your own site’s AlexaRank and to be honest after I installed SearchStatus I did not notice any significant change in my AlexaRank at my blogs. It wasn’t until I conducted a different experiment that I noticed more verifiable proof of a technique to increase your site’s AlexaRank.

How I Increased My AlexaRank By More Than 25%

Here’s how my logic went – I figured the toolbar and other AlexaRank checking tools tell Alexa my browsing habits, which is fine, but I’m only one person visiting my blogs (albeit I do it many times each day). What I really want is a way to tell Alexa about every person who visits my blogs, not just me. In order to do this, the Alexa reporting tool needs to be on my blog and downloaded by every person who visits my site each time they visit.
The obvious answer was to install an Alexa Site Widget on each of my blogs. The widget looks like this:
If you click it you will be taken to my current Alexa traffic ranking data. You can also find the live widget in the sidebar of all my blogs.
After installing this widget on to my blogs, within the next few days my rankings increased at least 25%. This blog, Entrepreneurs-Journey.com, was sitting around the 19,000 AlexaRank mark and within seven days had dropped to just above 15,000 as I type this. Prior to this gain my AlexaRank increases had been slow and steady, but never as significant as this in a short period of time, unless of course I earned a traffic spike from some other site(s) linking to me.
I noticed similar results at SmallBusinessBranding.com and the BlogTrafficSchool.com Blog too, which makes me almost 100% certain that installing the Alexa site widget will increase your AlexaRank.
This makes complete sense, as my thinking above explains. If every visitor to your blog downloads the Alexa site widget when they visit your site, then Alexa has data on every visitor you have, at least every web reader, I don’t think RSS readers count since they never download the widget unless they go to your site. You might call this “gaming” your AlexaRank, but in this case I don’t think that’s an apt description – installing the site widget in fact helps to give Alexa enough data to provide your true AlexaRank, as opposed to what it thinks it should be based on the data it has from it’s toolbar users.
If you sell advertising from your blog or website then you should care about your AlexaRank. If that is the case then installing the Alexa site widget is a must. It takes only a few seconds and could significantly improve your current AlexaRank.
Click here to get instructions on installing the Alexa site widget.
If any other bloggers or webmasters out there notice an increase in their AlexaRank after following my instructions and installing a site widget I’d love to hear about it. While I’m confident my results at three different blogs is good enough proof, it doesn’t hurt to have more examples to back up the hypothesis. Please leave a comment and tell me how your AlexaRank improves.


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