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Showing posts with label Domains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Domains. Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2013

Domain Gratis Top Level GRATIS (dot com/ dot org/dot net) !!! Like This

Hai ,,, saya share posting ini apabila ada agan-agan ini ingin ganti domain (.com/.net/.org)

Langsung saja ya, pertama anda klik di SINI ..
Selanjutnya, ada pilihan 9 referral dan 16 referral, nahkita dapat mendapatkan domain gratis setelah kita merefer teman untuk bergabung, agar lebih cepat , mari kita pilih yg 9 referral saja ..
Setelah kita memilih , isi E-mail anda yang anda gunakan sebagai email blog, Password isi word yang unique yah trus klik register deh.
Setelah itu isilah form yg harus di isi lagi dengan benar, Nah selesai anda mengisi form tsb, anda akan diberi LINK referral untuk anda Share agar ada 9 orang mendaftar dengan upline adalah anda.

Bagaimana, ? Pastinya setelah kita ganti domain namesnya, traffic kita akan bertambah...
Orang pasti malas kan mengetik Link Blog/site kita jika panjang (cholisarekjfc.blogspot.com)
Silahkan di Copas deh dengan meninggalkan comments anda

Monday, December 24, 2012

Pengguna Domain Indonesia Diklaim Meningkat Pesat

Jakarta - Pertumbuhan internet yang pesat di Indonesia juga berdampak pada meningkatnya nama domain Indonesia, .id. Menurut catatan Pengelola Nama Domain Internet Indonesia (PANDI), hingga 19 Desember 2012 terdaftar 103.882 nama domain. Jumlah ini melonjak 62,5 persen dari jumlah domain .id akhir tahun 2011 sebesar 63.930 domain.

Angka tersebut menurut PANDI sangat luar biasa, bahkan bisa dikatakan sebagai rekor tertinggi dalam sejarah pertumbuhan domain .id.

"Kami berharap dalam satu tahun ke depan domain .id dapat melewati jumlah domain negara-negara lain di Asia Tenggara," kata Ketua Umum PANDI, Andi Budimansyah.

Di 2013 PANDI memperkirakan jumlah pengguna domain .id akan kembali meningkat, setidaknya tumbuh sampai 170% hingga akhir 2013 mendatang.

"Akan terdaftar sekitar 300 ribu nama domain," tambah Andi, dalam keterangan yang diterima detikINET, Sabtu (22/12/2012).

Di penghujung 2012 ini, PANDI juga merilis dua Second Level Domain (SLD) baru, biz.id, dan my.id. Domain biz.id ditujukan untuk kelompok usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM), sedangkan my.id ditujukan untuk pengguna personal. Satu bulan sejak dirilis, tercatat pendaftaran 216 domain biz.id dan 586 domain my.id.

Tag : SEO domain, Indonesian Domain Names
Source: http://inet.detik.com/read/2012/12/22/131002/2125196/398/pengguna-domain-indonesia-diklaim-meningkat-pesat

Sunday, May 20, 2012

How And Why Of Giving Away Free Domain Names

Perhaps you already know that it is possible to get a free domain name. However, have you ever wondered how a country can afford to give away its domain names for free? Why would a country just give away its domain names instead of charging for them?

1. Free Domain Names from Dot TK

It is possible to get a free top-level domain name from Dot TK (www.dot.tk).

According to their website, "Dot TK is a joint venture of the Government of Tokelau, it's communication company Teletok and Taloha, Inc., a privately held company. The Government of Tokelau has appointed Taloha, Inc. as the exclusive registration entity."

Of course, for free .tk domains, ownership remains with Dot TK. This means that you can't sell it. As well, there are other restrictions and disadvantages of free .tk domains, including:

-You can register only a maximum of three free domain names;
-You need 25 visitors within a ninety day period;
-You need to have existing web content somewhere so that your dot tk name can be forwarded to it; and
-Dot TK uses frames to show your website. This being the case, you may have issues with navigation (bookmarking or finding specific pages) and search engine friendliness.

For serious business use, you might want to pay the nominal cost for a domain name.

2. Why Do They Offer Free Domain Names?

Still, it is free. Why would they do this when they could make money from the sale of domain names?

According to their website: "Why does Dot TK give away free domain names? We believe that the Internet was supposed to be 'Free'. Meaning no charges, payments or expected return favors."

3. How Can They Afford to Give Away Free Domain Names?

This logically leads us to our next question: How can they afford to give away free domain names?

Dot TK makes money from paid domain names, including some special and trademarked names.

To help support Dot TK, you can optionally have an ad displayed on your website. Thus, they do receive some advertising revenue from this. However, the big money would be in the sponsorship by large corporations.

4. Other Free Top-Level Domain Names

By the way, this is not the only ccTLD (country code Top-Level Domain) that gives away some domain names for free.

As just one example, cg is the ccTLD for the Republic of Congo. Each of its citizens and lawful residents are allowed one free .cg domain name.

5. Free Subdomain Names

Additionally, subdomain names are also available for free. For example, eu.org states on their website that their goal "is to provide free subdomain registration to users or non-profit organizations who cannot afford the outrageous fees demanded by some NICs, especially in Europe."

As well, nr is the ccTLD name for the Republic of Nauru. You can receive a free subdomain name from co.nr. Thus, your domain name could be something like yourcompany.co.nr.

Why do countries give away free domain names? They want their citizens and others to be able to enjoy the benefits of domain name use without cost being an issue. It can also be a promotional method designed to get the word out about their ccTLD.

How can these countries afford to give away free domain names? Advertising revenue and the sale of paid domains are two ways of funding free domain names.


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