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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bringing Memories to Life

Many us of have many treasured photo albums that with just the flip of a page allowing us walk again down paths long since traversed. Dipping in and out of memories as though it all happened only yesterday – until we realise abruptly that our treasured memories are, in fact, from years ago, and we no longer remember where that snap shot was taken, or what year is encapsulated there in paper form. While it is quick and easy to write a brief note upon the back of our photographs, the best way to rekindle those special memories is to log them all, each one, is in a scrapbook.

Using scrapbooks is a wonderful way to raise the storage of photographs and other memorabilia to a more personal level. There is little doubt that retaining keepsakes from important events or occasions is the ideal way to recapture the essence of a particular moment once it has passed us by in time, but it is only in using a scrapbook that the story really comes to life. Our precious memories so often wither in old shoeboxes, clumped together into confused bundles, where their special meaning fades. By gathering our memories into a scrapbook, we can suffuse life into them once more, and bequeath the joy we once shared to a whole new generation.

A scrapbook is nothing less than our own storybook, storing particular items that capture the meaning behind the memories. The straw you kept from your very first date with the man you've now been married to for over twenty years, that's a precious memory, but think how the memory of that date comes alive when you scrapbook that straw with a photograph of the new couple, and include your thoughts from that special night. How much more meaningful does this memento become to your children and your children's children when it is conveyed as a part of the whole story of your love? What once was a small plastic tube found at the bottom of an old box is now a living memory, conveying far more than you ever thought it could.

A scrapbook can store your memories in the most precious and personal way. Don't keep your life to yourself; share it with a scrapbook, and relive your memories through the eyes of others.


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