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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Building Links for Search Engine Optimization

Building links may be the toughest part of search engine optimization. People literally ask me about it all the time. And they have every right to do so, because let’s face it, it is not an easy part of search engine marketing.
Today, Matt Cutts released a new blog on effective techniques for link building in search engine optimization and I must say I really like his approach.  To me, building links is all about creating something of value online. Whether you are writing inspiring articles, information rich blogs or creating useful applications, links will come to you, but you have to offer the online world something worthwhile. And that is really what his post is all about.

In addition to touching on the basic search engine optimization principal that “content is king,” Cutts also describes the use of social media, email newsletters and RSS feeds in link building. This is something that we at Search Engine Optimization Inc. have been preaching for a long time. Each of these outlets is a delivery method that should be utilized to get your content exposure. The more exposure you can get, the larger potential you will have to build links with each new piece of content.
But that is enough talking by me. Please watch Matt’s video blog on link building in search engine optimization below. If you have any questions make sure to leave a comment.



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