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Showing posts with label Internet Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet Business. Show all posts

Friday, March 15, 2013

Hosting Indonesia Terbaik

Hosting Indonesia Terbaik - Lagi mau bikin blog tapi bingung cari hosting yang bagus tapi harga terjangkau? Diluar sana banyak sekali penyedia jasa webhost tapi kebanyakan pelayanannya kurang memuaskan seperti hostingnya sering down, tidak support chat untuk tanya-tanya dan masih banyak lagi.

Tapi jangan khawatir, itulah alasan kami membuat artikel ini. Kami ingin membantu anda untuk mendapatkan hosting terbaik di Indonesia namun dengan harga yang terjangkau, tidak terlalu mahal dan tidak murahan. Setelah kami seleksi, kami dapatkan ada 2 buah hosting terbaik di Indonesia yaitu Jogjahost dan Hostingpangeran. Berikut ini sedikit review tentang kedua hosting tersebut.

  1. JogjaHost
  2. Hosting yang satu ini berbasis di kota Yogyakarta. Tidak diragukan lagi kualitasnya, sudah banyak blogger yang telah membuktikan ketangguhan hosting yang satu ini. Selain itu, Jogjahost juga sudah merupakan Perusahaan / PT. Di Jogjahost kita bisa memilih berbagai jenis hosting sesuai dengan kebutuhan kita, ada Share Hosting, Virtual Private Server (VPS) dan Dedicated Server. Jogjahost juga membuka jasa pembelian domain, pembuatan toko online dan pembuatan radio online.

    Wah, lengkap banget ya. Tertarik mendaftar di jogjahost? atau masih ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang jogjahost? silahkan daftar dan baca disini

  3. HostingPangeran
  4. Hostingpangeran bisa dikatakan merupakan salah satu hosting terbaik di Indonesia dengan harga sangat terjangkau. Selain memiliki jasa hosting yang lengkap mulai dari shared hosting sampai VPS, Hostingpangeran juga membuka jasa-jasa lainnya yang sangat membantu para clientnya. Jasa tersebut seperti Jasa web design toko online, MLM, Web Perusahaan sampai iklan baris. Owh ya satu lagi, di Hostingpangeran juga ada jasa backup hosting, ini sangat penting karena sering kali blog/web kita mengalami masalah. Nah, dengan adanya jasa backup ini kita tidak perlu khawatir lagi soal itu.

    Kalau soal pelayanan, hostingpangeran tidak perlu ditanyakan lagi. Anda tinggal menghubungi hostingpangeran melalui chat yang sudah tersedia disana. Kalau hosting down, hostingpangeran langsung segera memperbaikinya secepat mungkin. Tidak seperti ditempat lain, nunggu ada komplain baru diperbaiki.

    Tertarik mendaftar di HostingPangeran? Langsung aja klik disini

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Why your site is not making money

Many people often asked, "Why am I not getting sales, nobody is signing up, I am not making any money, what is going wrong?"

Something is actually wrong. You see, when you've developed a product, registered a domain name, hosted your site, and solved issues like payment processor, you have to wait for the money to start rolling in-only then you will know the value of traffic.

No matter how beautiful your site or how crazy your product, without traffic your online business will fail. Generating traffic is the most difficult part of running an online business. But why is getting traffic so difficult? There are two main reasons.

The first reason is that online is not like the real world where you can rely on mere shop display. If you don't make any calculated sales drive, people cannot find your site. The second reason is that the Internet has changed.

Internet advertising keeps advancing with many kinds of filters to make sure the right audience sees the right message. That is, to make sue you don't disturb people who don't want your ads. Traffic providers like Google can easily tell "junk" content from "real" content even if the surfers cannot. Nobody wants to give you the chance to succeed online.

There are about 6 billion people on the planet with about a billion using the Internet but sadly most sites have little traffic and make $20 to $50 a month. So how does one really get traffic?

You will not get traffic while sitting on your pajamas, feet up on your desk, sipping your coffee. You need to work very hard. To get massive traffic, people should be able to find your site virtually everywhere hence you need a broad, multi-faceted marketing campaign. Don't rely solely on search engine ranking otherwise you are leaving 90% traffic.

Research as many traffic techniques as you can and experiment with as many as possible. Though it will cost you time and money, it is all an investment. Nothing comes easy, especially financial success.

Article Sites

you are a writer or own your own business, you may be familiar with article sites. Articles sites give writers the opportunity to offer their material to a submission website for free. In turn, the article will receive a lot of promotion from visitors to the site on a daily basis. The author or person who submits the content allows visitors to publish the article on their website free of charge. However, there is one catch. Any one who copies information that you have written must give you credit for the work and include a link to your website if applicable.

Some writers may feel a little hesitant about giving their work away for free but actually this is one of the best ways to promote both your talent and your business to the world. If you spend a couple of hours crafting your content for an article submission site, you will lose a little bit of money that could have been earned from the sale of the article. Fortunately though, your submitted work piece will earn you much more than you ever could have made from a single sale.

At a popular article promotion website such as Article Alley, there are thousands of visitors to the website every day. This means unlimited exposure for your work. If someone has an interest in the topic you have written about, they simply click on the link to read the full text of the article. At the end of the article you include your name, contact information, and website address. If a person really enjoyed your writing or is interested in the information you provided, they will be very tempted to click on the link in your resource box for more details. You now have the chance to attract an endless amount of customers to your website without the use of traditional advertising methods.

There is an added benefit for writers who include a website address in their biography or resource box. Every time a visitor clicks on the link to your website, it increases the amount of incoming traffic. Most of the major search engines rate websites by not only the content they provide but also the number of incoming links going to the site. Many article promotion sites, including Article Alley, receive a high volume of traffic, typically thousands of customers per day. If just fifty people click on your website link, you have greatly increased your traffic through the use of a single article.

Another factor to consider is the number of times your article will be reproduced on the web. For example, let's imagine that ten customers really enjoyed your article and have posted the content on their own website. Now every time someone visits one of these websites, they have the opportunity to read the content you have written. Better yet, the article will at least include your name and possibly your website address if you included it in the original article posting. By submitting one article for free, you now have your name listed at ten different websites and possibly an additional ten incoming links to your website. This kind of advertising is especially good exposure for a writer. Often times when a client is considering hiring you, they may be interested in what previous online content you have published. By typing your name in a search engine box, they will instantly see the results of all the websites your work is posted at. This can be a great way to gain a clients trust.

Finally, one of the best reasons for offering content to an article submission site is the amount of time it saves you. Think about all the time and energy that is needed to promote your product or service. Some article submission sites, such as Finance Alley and Article Alley, do virtually all of the work in promoting your material. Your article will be advertised not only at these sites upon submission but also through RSS feeds to many other websites. With all the extra time and money you have saved in adverting costs, you can now afford to spend more time actually running your business. Article submission sites actually bring the customers to you.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Building Your Dream- Locating Resources For Nonprofits Online

A nonprofit corporation has the public's best interest at heart. It may have an environmental, educational, religious, scientific, or literary focus (among others). In return for their services, the public can make donations to these companies and then deduct the amount from their federal taxes. In this way, it sure is a win-win situation.

Although it sounds pretty straight forward, a nonprofit can be a complicated entity. Therefore, it is wise to know where you can find answers to the many questions that are bound to crop up. The easiest place to uncover these questions is online because there are numerous websites that focus on the ins and outs of nonprofits.

For example, one place to start is by making sure you understand nonprofit language; in other words, the terms used when discussing a nonprofit organization. Check out this link:


Once you feel comfortable with the lingo, it is time to make your nonprofit idea a reality. But before you get going, make sure you know about the different legal matters involved in this kind of company. For example, the company will not declare a profit because it puts all its earnings toward operating expenses and providing services to the public. And in order to do this, certain regulations must be met. To get a handle on these, check out sites such as:


One of the main reasons people choose to be involved in nonprofit organizations is because it is a great way to share common interests with others and problem solve in a pro-active, positive way. In fact, nonprofits are encouraged to reach out to others-individuals and corporations-who have similar goals. The following website lists 52,000 nonprofit and community organizations in 165 countries (you can add your company for free


Volunteerism exemplifies the spirit of nonprofits and is a big part of the nonprofit community. These sites focus on volunteer opportunities:


If you have already established a nonprofit corporation and wish to attract more attention to your cause, nothing works better than a well-crafted website. But if you do not have the know-how when it comes to software technology, you will need some help. A web hosting company can save the day. What's more, many web hosts offer discounts for nonprofit companies.

What would make an interesting, helpful, and fun website? With the help of a web host, you can include the following elements:

- links for locating other nonprofit organizations
- career fairs (by specialty or area)
- ideas for participating in your community
- various resource links organized by subject (teens, voting, environment, campuses, teachers, different languages etc.)
- management tips for employers
- opportunities for volunteers
- legal advice
- current, relevant articles

Clearly, there are numerous benefits of a nonprofit corporation. Not only can one satisfy one's longing to be involved in a worthwhile organization, but it also allows one the opportunity to look beyond oneself and give back to a community at large. And it is possible to do this without worrying about obstacles because it is possible to find reliable help and guidance online.


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