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Showing posts with label Web Hosting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Web Hosting. Show all posts

Friday, March 15, 2013

Hosting Indonesia Terbaik

Hosting Indonesia Terbaik - Lagi mau bikin blog tapi bingung cari hosting yang bagus tapi harga terjangkau? Diluar sana banyak sekali penyedia jasa webhost tapi kebanyakan pelayanannya kurang memuaskan seperti hostingnya sering down, tidak support chat untuk tanya-tanya dan masih banyak lagi.

Tapi jangan khawatir, itulah alasan kami membuat artikel ini. Kami ingin membantu anda untuk mendapatkan hosting terbaik di Indonesia namun dengan harga yang terjangkau, tidak terlalu mahal dan tidak murahan. Setelah kami seleksi, kami dapatkan ada 2 buah hosting terbaik di Indonesia yaitu Jogjahost dan Hostingpangeran. Berikut ini sedikit review tentang kedua hosting tersebut.

  1. JogjaHost
  2. Hosting yang satu ini berbasis di kota Yogyakarta. Tidak diragukan lagi kualitasnya, sudah banyak blogger yang telah membuktikan ketangguhan hosting yang satu ini. Selain itu, Jogjahost juga sudah merupakan Perusahaan / PT. Di Jogjahost kita bisa memilih berbagai jenis hosting sesuai dengan kebutuhan kita, ada Share Hosting, Virtual Private Server (VPS) dan Dedicated Server. Jogjahost juga membuka jasa pembelian domain, pembuatan toko online dan pembuatan radio online.

    Wah, lengkap banget ya. Tertarik mendaftar di jogjahost? atau masih ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang jogjahost? silahkan daftar dan baca disini

  3. HostingPangeran
  4. Hostingpangeran bisa dikatakan merupakan salah satu hosting terbaik di Indonesia dengan harga sangat terjangkau. Selain memiliki jasa hosting yang lengkap mulai dari shared hosting sampai VPS, Hostingpangeran juga membuka jasa-jasa lainnya yang sangat membantu para clientnya. Jasa tersebut seperti Jasa web design toko online, MLM, Web Perusahaan sampai iklan baris. Owh ya satu lagi, di Hostingpangeran juga ada jasa backup hosting, ini sangat penting karena sering kali blog/web kita mengalami masalah. Nah, dengan adanya jasa backup ini kita tidak perlu khawatir lagi soal itu.

    Kalau soal pelayanan, hostingpangeran tidak perlu ditanyakan lagi. Anda tinggal menghubungi hostingpangeran melalui chat yang sudah tersedia disana. Kalau hosting down, hostingpangeran langsung segera memperbaikinya secepat mungkin. Tidak seperti ditempat lain, nunggu ada komplain baru diperbaiki.

    Tertarik mendaftar di HostingPangeran? Langsung aja klik disini

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Small Business Manager Tips

You are the owner and manager of a small business. Not only do you need to know about the inner-workings of the business and the financial issues but you also need to be a good manager. Management skills can be just as important in keeping the business running well as your other areas of expertise. Here are some quick and easy management tips to help you keep the business running smoothly.

Make rules but be fair. In this day and age you need to set some ground rules so that each employee is treated fairly. However, you also need to know when to use common sense to guide you through sticky situations. Write down your expectations, and then translate those into language that your employees will understand. Present this to each new hire and post the rules in the office.

Understand the workings of the data and telephone systems. Use new technology to help your employees work more efficiently. If your company warrants it look into a good corporate long distance plan. Train employees on the office systems in place so that they can take advantage of the timesaving features they provide.

Don't worry about the small things. If you have a tendency to micro-manage your employees they won't feel free to be creative and to think outside the box. Allow others to do things in their own way as long as they can accomplish what's needed. Constantly picking on the work of others will only keep employees from ownership of their work.

Learn to delegate. Most manager/owners have trouble giving up tasks to others. They may feel that the work is best completed by them. However, you need to give employees a chance to be productive. If the only tasks they ever receive are mundane or tedious they will soon tire of the situation. What's more, you need people who you can count on to help the business thrive. After all, you will need to take time off and get a vacation and need to know that the business will run properly even when you are away.

Teach employees what their job is. Write complete job descriptions for each position. These descriptions should be specific and complete so that current and potential employees understand their job functions. Update the descriptions as needed. Provide plenty of on the job training and remember that not everyone catches on quickly. Have patience and understanding.

Communicate regularly with all employees. Employees need to know what is happening. Rumors can run rampant and can ruin morale in the process. Send a monthly email memo or hand out a newsletter. The communication will do wonders to keep things running smoothly and to keep attitudes up.

Stress good customer service. First and foremost your customers are who keep your business going. Make sure that employees put customer service first and keep it there. Offer courses or webinars that teach employees good customer service skills. Plan some training time each month for each employee. Even an hour or two per month will help keep customer service in the forefront.

Latent Semantic Indexing This Is New

Latent Semantic Indexing This Is New

Latent semantic indexing is a type of technology that works to understand what a page is about. Latent Semantic Indexing is merely one process within Googles complex ranking algorithm but it can affect your search engine listings considerably. Latent semantic indexing is a search engine algorithm that performs keyword-based analysis to index the web pages. Google realized that it needed a better way for its bots to ascertain the true theme of a webpage and that's what Latent Semantic Indexing is all about. The idea of LSI is to identify the meaning of the information, which words, sentences and documents can be mapped among other website pages. Latent Semantic Indexing is going to change the search engine game; you will need to change your seo efforts to pay off big time.

LSI is introduced to improve the performance of text filtering; LSI is a statistical technique for extracting and representing the similarities of words by analyzing large collections of text. Latent semantic indexing is a process by which you can determine the subject matter of a web page without relying on specific keywords.

The latest indexing shake-up in Google may be an indication of things to come. How to deal with Google's latest search engine algorithm: One of the most important changes is the likelihood that Google is now giving more weight to LSI. It also appears that Google is now making use of LSI rather than simple keyword searches.

Since most website owners do some type of keyword spamming, search engines had to invent better ways of realizing the relevance of the webpage? How can we make use of the strengths of computing to create better indexes and better search results. The search engine ranking for a particular website will have to pass several processes in the latent semantic indexing based search engine optimization. For the SERPs, LSI adds an additional element to the indexing process. When the search engine visits a page it will determine from the content and links the focus of a page. There are two main approaches to improving search results through semantic methods: (1) the Semantic Web and (2) Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI).

However, a more recent method is quickly becoming the main factor in returning results for the search. Unfortunately, this method does not necessarily retrieve all data. This method is an adaptation of the latent semantic indexing method originally used to index text documents. What is applied is a different variance of latent semantic indexing that people call contextual networking. This method provides the complete name of the latent semantic indexing model in a string format. The accuracy of summarization method can be tuned based on needs and resources. This method emphasizes returning more relevant documents earlier.

A variation of LSI is called probabilistic latent semantic. At the same time, the feedback network is performed to learn how user's interests and then LSI is applied in filtering the information. One of the useful features of LSI is that it is possible to calculate terms easily. LSI is a new way of finding information that searches on associations between terms.

in Web Hosting

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Pros And Cons Of Locally Hosted Automatic Responders

As most of us already know, autoresponders are programs that are used for sending out follow-up emails or newsletters to specified email addresses. All across the Internet, there are many autoresponder programs that you can get. Some of the popular include Post Master, Intellisponder Pro and Send Studio. Such programs have to be installed on a web server to run hence also called as Locally Hosted Autoresponder.

A Locally Hosted Email Responder can be a great investment for webmasters. Nowadays, there are many autoresponder scripts out there that provide powerful features. Moreover, some Locally Hosted Autoresponders will allow you to further customize the script to fit your requirements. If you have enough skill in programming you can do this yourself. Some vendors even provide a special service for customers who want to customize the scripts.

Besides providing a better range of customization features, Locally Hosted Programs also give you flexibility. For instance, there are no limitations to the number of subscribers that you can build. If you have a large subscriber base, Locally Hosted Email Responders are a great choice. But keep in mind that you should also think about the capabilities of your hosting service. If the number of your subscribers grows significantly you might have to spend more money for the extra bandwidth.

Another benefit of using a Locally Hosted Autoresponder is there are no monthly charges involved. Once you have purchased the program, it is yours forever as you run them through your own server. On the other hand, Remotely Hosted Autoresponders will cost you a monthly fee. However, you should notice carefully whether the vendor will give you free updates.

A Locally Hosted Autoresponder requires you to lease a web hosting service that supports server side programming languages such as PHP or ASP. In addition this type of autoresponder often requires you to setup a database such as MySQL or PostgreSQL. Just make sure that all the requirements are already provided by your hosting service.

You will have more control to Locally Hosted Automatic Responders, considering the fact that the programs will run on your server. However, this also means that you should have some technical knowledges on how to setup some features of your hosting provider to be able to install and operate them properly.

If you have multiple websites you might want to setup an autoresponder for each of your domains. While Locally Hosted programs cost one fee, some providers limit the number of domains that you can install them on. If you are planning to run the email responder on multiple sites, you should first find out how many copies or how many websites you are able to use the software with to determine the true cost of the program.

If you want to run an autoresponder yourself, you can always go with Locally Hosted Autoresponder programs. For many Internet marketers, remotely hosted are far preferred over locally hosted and otherwise. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. What is the best for others may be completely useless to someone else. When you make your final decision, you should always decide on what you need for your business – then pick an autoresponder that works best for you.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Buying A Television

It is hard to tell why one should buy a flat screen, a high definition capable television, a 17 inch screen or a 56 inch screen. In addition, there are many models to choose from. Some models cost just under $ 1000 dollars while some will set you back as much as three months worth of a modest mortgage. Making a decision will depend mainly on the use for the television and the budget of the buyer.Chances are you will have to decide between a plasma or LCD screen. A plasma screen is ideal for saving space as plasma televisions are flat. In addition, plasma screens give extra features as in they support high definitions media. But now all the plasma televisions out there will support this. The cheaper brands will skimp on this so do your home work well. The higher the number of pixels it has the better it will display HDTV content. Plasma screens also perform well even in poor lighting.

On the other hand, liquid crystal display (LCD) television screens do not perform at the same level as plasma screens .In poor lighting, LCD screens do not contrast black colors well. LCD screens needs very good bright light to perform well while plasma screens do not need this requirement. They also take up little space just like plasma screen being thin and sleek. LCD screens are good for viewing computer data and for video gaming so it can double up as your computer screen as well as gaming screen. An LCD will be ideal if there will be need to use for presentations and the like. LCD screens are not affected by altitude air pressure changes so this makes them good choices for use in airplanes. Plasma screens emit a humming sound at high altitudes.

What else should look at while shopping for a television? While choosing a screen size you have to consider the distance between the television and the sitting place frequently used. Keeping in mind that the larger the screener the more you will have to pay. Also consider analog or digital, most broadcasters are moving to digital productions. For cable and VHS viewing an analog television will do while DVD media, digital cable and satellite, a digital television is more suited.

There are other luxury features that you may consider going for while choosing your set. A picture in picture feature (PIP) is a feature that helps you watch two programmes at the same time. The two programmes could be television or video. If you are a sports fun then this is the feature to go for as your feature extra after choosing your screen and other features. It is good also if you hate commercials and would like to escape to something else while it running.

Internet Forums - Six Ways To Avoid Disaster

Internet Forums are highly popular, they cater for all tastes and deal with every topic imaginable. People visit Internet forums for a variety of reasons, the most common being the search for information or entertainment. The Internet forum is a safe environment if you behave sensibly but you can find yourself in dangerous territory if you ignore the following warnings.

Don't Join Internet Forum Flame Wars

An Internet Forum flame war is to be avoided at all costs. The airing of differing points of view, debate and discussion are healthy things for an Internet forum: they keep it lively. An Internet forum flame war can make entertaining reading but don't be tempted to join in or start one. If you make a habit of leaping into forum flame wars, you will acquire a reputation as a trouble-maker and you could find yourself barred from a forum because of your behaviour. Another good reason for avoiding forum flame wars is that you could find yourself caught in the crossfire. Before you know it, people will be firing at you from every direction when all you intended to do was have a bit of fun.

Don't Make Jokes On An Internet Forum

Well, you can if you really must, but remember that the Internet forum has the same drawback as email: the reader can't see your expression or gestures. The smile, shrug or grimace which can lift your comment from serious to humorous will be missing and your message will be something which the reader has to interpret. If the reader gets it wrong, you might very well find that you just started your very own Internet forum flame war quite unintentionally. You can safely tell a joke on a forum (provided that your joke's content is appropriate) but sarcasm and irony are dangerous and best avoided.

Don't Be An Internet Forum Drama Queen

The Internet forum is not a suitable stage for you to perform your very own drama. If you flounce about making extravagant statements merely for effect, you will be the object of ridicule by other forum members even if nobody tells you so. If you are a member of a support forum for a particular programme, it is quite in order to post a message to the forum saying something along the lines of "I've started to feel unsure about [whatever], I don't think it's going to work out unless I make some changes. Can anybody suggest what I should try next?" Compare this to the next post in drama queen style: "I quit! This Sucks. I've done everything right so it must be this ****ing programme. You will never hear from me again!" Which forum member would you want to help? There will be kind people who feel the drama queen's pain and offer support and suggestions. When the drama queen makes a big re-entrance to the forum after a few days sulking, posts "I'm back!" and expresses a resolve to work diligently towards success, the kind people who offered support will feel that their advice must have done the trick. When the forum drama queen posts another "Goodbye Forever!" message, the same kind people will empathise as the drama queen is obviously being affected by an emotional roller coaster and they will offer further sound advice. The kind forum members will be pleased when the drama queen makes a further "I'm Back And Here To Stay!" recovery. By about the third or fourth "I Quit!" drama, even the kindest people will be wishing the drama queen had stayed quit the first time round and Internet forum credibility for the drama queen ends there.

Don't Be An Internet Forum Puppy

A real puppy can't help chasing after everything that moves, getting under people's feet and being hyperactive to the point where it sometimes becomes annoying: that's just its nature. The Internet forum member who behaves like a puppy can help it and should desist. I am talking about the person who joins an Internet forum for the sole purpose of getting the links in his signature file on the forum as often as possible. The annoying forum puppy will respond to every message posted whether he knows anything about the subject or not. He will post messages which are of no value to anyone, these messages will range from boring pointless observations to obscure drivel to requests to poll an unimportant question which bears no relevance to the forum. If you are desperate to plaster your signature file all over the place, join lots of Internet forums and just post a few messages on each. With any luck, you will grow out of this time-wasting pursuit before the other forum members form a lynching party.

Don't Be An Internet Forum Seconder

Have you ever come across Mr Me Too? If you have, you will know who I mean. He is about as annoying as the Internet forum puppy. Mr Me Too will post a response to every thread that appears on a forum. It won't take him long as he won't bother to read through the thread, all he will do is add a comment saying "me too" or "I agree". This gets his signature file posted with the link back to his website and that's all he wants. Mr Me Too does not go to the Internet forum for entertainment or information or to contribute anything useful. If you are subscribed to a forum thread and receive notification that someone has posted a further message on the topic, it is very irritating to log in at the forum only to find that someone has posted a message saying "me too" or "I agree" just to give his signature file an airing. It is sadly true that the Internet forum puppy and Mr Me Too will get their links on the Internet alongside the forum members who post meaningful messages. When the day arrives that Search Engine Robots are able to distinguish the difference between valuable forum messages and drivel, those two offenders will find that it's pay back time for their transgressions.

Don't Attack The Internet Forum Moderators

If you have a message removed or edited by an Internet forum moderator, there will be a reason, so don't post complaints on the forum. Even if you don't understand or don't agree with the decision, there is no point in arguing. Attacking a moderator is like holding up a placard saying "I'm a pest, throw me out". The moderators are there to ensure the Internet forum is kept to the required standard. Remember that somebody owns this forum and invests time and energy in keeping the environment -- well -- moderate. The Internet forum is not your private sand-pit, you are a guest and if your behaviour is not appropriate, your invitation to play could be withdrawn. You should also remember that anything you post on an Internet forum will be available for public scrutiny for years to come.

The dictionary definition of the verb to moderate is: "to keep within measure or bounds; to regulate; to reduce in intensity; to make temperate or reasonable". If this does not sound like your kind of environment, perhaps you should stay away from Internet forums.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

How to engage in RSS marketing

RSS marketing is quite different and unique as compared to most of the other internet marketing tools or technologies. In RSS marketing, success or failure lies in the hands of the consumer or the internet user. Although this may sound scary from a business perspective but at the same time there are certain advantages.

There are some online businesses that have garnered a good click-through-rate varying from 7% to 10% using RSS feeds and this means that it has actually outperformed various other mediums of online advertising. Of course this number can't be reached overnight. There has to be a strategy in place and the execution has to be perfect to derive such a high click-through-rate.

For those who have not been able to capitalize using RSS marketing and for those who are new to RSS marketing, here are some tips that will definitely help you in leveraging consumer control in RSS. The tips are as follows:

Feed characteristics

There are many websites who have their feeds while others don't. It is not necessary that the feeds in the websites that have them will be created equally. There are quite a few variables that have to be considered during content delivery using RSS feeds. Let us look at an example: Some websites like My Yahoo is able to display only the headlines of their RSS feeds while websites like Bloglines are able to show almost the entire feed or complete article content. So there are some publishers who will provide only partial feed while others might provide entire content in the feed.

In marketing terms, this means that you should know how you will present the content and what the marketing message will look like. If you are not aware of the various characteristics of a feed, then RSS marketing can be a risky proposition. It is important to hence understand the feed characteristics and identify the methods of distribution. You need to think and imagine in advance how your consumer will receive this feed, and how it will help them to make an informed marketing decision, which will help your business in the long-run.

One of the prevailing issues is that of full feed vs. partial feed. Let us take another example. If an online publication has 5,000 RSS feed subscribers and the publisher is offering only the first paragraph of each of their articles in the RSS feed then the reader will have to click through each of the feed to view the entire content. There are many internet readers or users who will skim quickly through the feed content click through directly to the website. In such a scenario, if the publication has placed any advertisements in their feed then the consumer will miss it completely. So the online publication might get a high readership rate but will be a bad option for RSS advertising because the click-through-rate is low.

Hence it is extremely important to evaluate the various feeds where you would want to advertise.

Make content interactive

If your content is not interactive or engaging then it will not attract too many RSS consumers. Consumers are not looking for saleable content; they are looking for useful and relevant information. For example if you are running an advertising campaign for the launch of a new paint then you need to target the different home improvement blogs and websites as a part of your RSS advertising & marketing campaign. In a home improvement blog, you will find the audience who will be interested about the various aspects of home improvement and how it can be done and what all they can use. This will boost your advertising efforts.

Another important aspect is the matter, the concept in the advertisement. Don't try to sell the product, try to attract people with a story. If you present a nice story with information, facts, research analysis, benefits, pros and cons then it will increase a reader's interest and thirst for knowledge. This will be advertising at its best.

Fresh and creative content

There is nothing like fresh and creative content. How many times would you read about a product in articles that have been rewritten over and over again? It will be boring, monotonous and put you off. This stands true for all consumers. Hence the need is for refreshing content that will hold a readers attention and keep adding new content. A thumb rule in RSS feeds is to have creative content in every six new posts.

The bottom-line is attracting consumers with intellect and not the same old story.


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